Why Is Python So Important For Data Science?

If you don’t know just how fast the world of technology is evolving right now, chances are that you’re probably living under a rock. Consequently, it’s no news that the field of data science is a highly technical domain and, as a result, is in high demand. Therefore, pursuing a career in data science is bound to offer you numerous lucrative job opportunities.
So, if you have been wanting to start your career in Data Science, now is the best time to enroll in an online data science training program. And where do I even start with Python, it is emerging so rapidly in the tech sector that it might even replace Java (the God of all the programming languages) in the near future. Moreover, having the knowledge of Data Science and Python is the best combination, especially if you’re coming from a Btech background.
Hence, if you’ve also learned python, it will improve your career prospects as a data scientist. This is so because python is the most preferred programming language by the tech industry. It’s highly flexible, easy to learn, simple, and readable.
This is precisely why it has become an unspoken rule to know python before venturing into the world of data science.
Some of the Key Benefits of Python Include:
Python is easy to comprehend and is flexible: Python has a simple syntax and is easy to learn. It is not complex or complicated like other programming languages and this is precisely why it is also not difficult to understand. It is also exceptionally versatile as it can be used for almost every sector including machinery, web processing, and even biology. It is often regarded as the “Swiss Army Knife.” of programming languages because of its multifaceted nature.
Python Offers High-Paying Jobs and is in High Demand: Python developers are popular everywhere in the world. Furthermore, it is also the second most lucrative programming language. Professionals who are skilled in the python language earn from $118,626 to $162,223 every year.
Python is used in many Industries: Various industries like finance, training, web development, data science, system automation, game development, mapping, security, computer graphics opt for python as their preferred programming language. Believe it or not, there are a plethora of industries that are actively using python at the moment. So, it’s safe to say that it goes way beyond the world of data science and artificial intelligence.
Python is a Highly Secured Programming Language: Nowadays, Python is considered being one of the safest and secured computer programming languages out there. This is so because it consists of OWASP – Python Security Project, which makes it far more resistant to attacks and other manipulations.
Also Read: Top 5 Steps to Start Your Data Science Career with Python
But What Makes The Combination of Python and Data Science So Great?
Python is essentially an open-source, high-level, interpreted programming language that offers a great approach for object-oriented programming. It is by far one of the best languages used by data scientists all over the globe for various purposes related to data science.
And because it has a less complicated syntax and is easy to use, Python is excessively used for research and other scientific purposes. This way, even the people who do not belong to an engineering background can also easily adapt. It is also suitable for quick prototyping.
Python enables the developer to deal with mathematics, statistics, and scientific function efficiently. It also provides excellent libraries that can handle data science applications seamlessly.
Python APIs consist of deep learning frameworks, which make them even more productive, adaptable, and multifaceted. Python’s deep learning frameworks also keep on upgrading.
In applications areas like natural language processing, and sentiment analysis, Python is pretty famous as it provides a large number of libraries that aim at solving complicated business issues, developing data applications as well as building robust systems smoothly.
Professionals skilled in Python or Data Science are equally desirable in the world of technology. So the combination of these two is bound to offer you numerous opportunities that are going to pay you well. Choosing an online python training program or an online data science course is the best option for you. You can learn a lot with python training course in Noida along with saving your time and money.
I hope this helps,
Have a great day!