Know Applications Of Java Before Starting Your Coding Journey With It

Java is the “King of all programming languages”. Java has become a backbone for billions of applications and devices. Java is one of the languages that have many applications. Join the java course now to learn more about it.
Let’s see these real-time applications one by one-
1. Desktop GUI Applications
Java is used to build Desktop applications. You can use APIs of Java-like Swing, AWT, JavaFX to develop these types of applications.
To build window-based applications in Java, an interface AWT (Abstract Windowing Toolkit) is used.
Swing is a graphical user interface widget toolkit, which uses AWT and provides more advanced components like lists, trees, scroll panes, tables, tabbed panels. Swing is a fully ”java-based” API. Swing responds to all the key entries, mouse-click events, etc.,
The modern way to build a desktop application in Java is JavaFX. JavaFX is graph-based and different from Swings and AWT.
Some of the real-life examples of desktop GUI applications are ThinkFree, Acrobat Reader, Antiviruses, Media Player, etc.
2. Mobile Applications
For mobile phones and tablets, the mobile application is created. In today’s world, most smart devices and phones have Android operating systems and for Android development, Java language is necessary. To develop applications that run over all phones and smartphones, a cross-platform framework- Java Micro Edition (Java ME or J2ME) is used.
The reason behind using java for android app development is that the Java compiler compiles the Java classes into bytecode and this bytecode runs on Dalvik Virtual Machine (DVM), which is a specialized virtual machine (VM) for Android.
Examples of some of the top mobile applications are Simple Calendar, Photo and video gallery apps, Netflix, Uber, Tinder, Google Earth, QRReader, etc.
If you are interested in developing android applications then you need to first learn Java language through an online java course.
3. Scientific Applications
A scientific application affects real-world situations and uses mathematics. Java has powerful features because of it, java supports the development of scientific applications.
Generally, scientific applications include mathematical operations and scientific calculations and Java online training courses help to become the best choice for developing these types of applications. Java has a secure, fast, and highly portable environment for scientific applications, which is the basic requirement for these applications.
Some of the real-world examples of scientific applications are applications related to medical science, research, space, science, aeronautics, etc.
4. Web-based Applications
Web applications can be built through the Java language with the help of struts, servlets, JSP (Java Server Pages) and JSF (Java Server Faces), Hibernate, Spring, and web servers like Resin, Apache HTTP web-server, Apache Tomcat, adobe JRun, etc.
Any kind of web-based application can be built through Java.
JSPs and Servlets are the server-side components that help to build the business logic of the web application. JSP is an extension of the Servlet because JSP has more features as compared to the servlet.
Using Java for web development provides high security and easy coding and allows the development of a large number of applications for social security, health, insurance, and education.
Examples of web-based applications are online forms,, Gmail, shopping carts, Google Sheets, Google Slides, etc.
Also Read: What Is Java? How Do I Become A Good Java Programmer
5. Gaming Applications
For developing 2-Dimensional games, java is the best language. Nowadays, almost every person using android games for entertainment. Without Java, Android games cannot be built.
Java has the most powerful open-source 3D-Engine- jMonkey Engine and has the capacity to design 3-Dimensional games.
We come to know that Java is the most popular language, has applications in almost every field of software development. Java is used according to business needs. If you want to build a scalable and secure application, you can choose Java as it has dominant security features. Many banking applications that require lots of security concerns are preferably developed in Java. You can learn this language through the best online java training that will definitely help you to build some real-life projects of Java.