Java Interview Questions

Top 100+ Java Interview Questions You Must Know in 2023

1. What is the use of wrapper classes in java?
These classes are used to convert primitive datatype values into object
2. Which one is not a wrapper class?
- Integer
- Float
- double
- Boolean
3. What is autoboxing in java?
Automatic conversion of primitive datatype values into object is called autoboxing. This feature was introduced in Java 5
4. In which version of java collection framework was introduced?
Java version 2
5. What is collection in collection framework and what is use of collection framework?
Group of objects is known as collection. Collection framework is used to manage java objects in memory
6. How many types of collections are given in java
- There are three types of collection in java
- List collection
- Set collection
- Queue collection
7. What is difference between list collection and set collection?
- List collection is ordered collection and set collection is unordered
- List collection allows duplicacy of element and set collection does not allow it
- List collection allows multiple null and set collection does not allow
8. Which classes are implementation of List interface?
- ArrayList class
- LinkedList class
- Vector class

9. What is similarity and what is difference between ArrayList class and LinkedList class?
Both creates and uses resizable array of size 10 to store elements. ArrayList is an unsynchronized class while Vector class is a synchronized class. ArrayList class was introduced in JDK1.2 while Vector class was introduced in JDK1.0
10. Which one is not a method of Collection interface
- public void set(int index, E element)
- public boolean remove(E element)
- public boolean add(E element)
- public Boolean isEmpty()
public void set(int index, E element)
11. LinkedList list1=new ArrayList();
LinkedList list2=new ArrayList();
Create a new ArrayList collection and copy all elements of both ListList into new collection
LinkedList list3=new ArrayList();
12. ArrayList list=new ArrayList();Display each element from the collection using Iterator interface
Iterator itr=list.iterator();
13. ArrayList list=new ArrayList();Display each element from the collection using ListIterator in reverse order
ListIterator itr=list.listIterator(list.size());
String str=list.previous();
14. LinkedList list=new LinkedList();
Write code to sort element of above collection in ascending order
15. public class Employee
private int eid;
private String name;
private Sint salary;
public Employee(){}
public Employee(int eid,String name,int salary)
//getters and setters
Vector list=new Vector();
list.add(new Employee(103,”Amit”,90000));
list.add(new Employee(101,”David”,67000));
list.add(new Employee(104,”Imran”,46000));
list.add(new Employee(102,”Neha”,78000));
Write code to sort element of above collection in the ascending order of salary
16. public class Employee
private int eid;
private String name;
private Sint salary;
public Employee(){}
public Employee(int eid,String name,int salary)
//getters and setters
//toString() method
Vector list=new Vector();
list.add(new Employee(103,”Amit”,90000));
list.add(new Employee(101,”David”,67000));
list.add(new Employee(104,”Imran”,46000));
list.add(new Employee(102,”Neha”,78000));
Write code to get and display those employees from the collection whose salary is more than 50000. Do it by using Stream API>emp.getSalary()>50000).forEach(emp->System.out.println(emp));
17. public class Employee
private int eid;
private String name;
private Sint salary;
public Employee(){}
public Employee(int eid,String name,int salary)
//getters and setters
//toString() method
Vector list=new Vector();
list.add(new Employee(103,”Amit”,90000));
list.add(new Employee(101,”David”,67000));
list.add(new Employee(104,”Imran”,46000));
list.add(new Employee(102,”Neha”,78000));
Write code to get those employees from the collection whose salary is more than 50000 and add them into a new list collection. Do it by using Stream API
18. Which package contains all collection classes and interface
19. Which package contains Interable interface
20. Which two methods are called to avoid to duplicacy of elements in set collection
- public int hashCode()
- public Boolean equals(Object obj)
21. Which set collection should be used to keep element in ascending or descending order
TreeSet class
22. Which method is called by TreeSet collection to arrange elements in ascending or descending order
public int compareTo(Object obj) method of Comparable interface.
23. What is difference between Comparable and Comparator interface
Comparable interface has compareTo() method and this method is used to compare object of implementation of Comparable interface with another object of this interface implementation. Method is invoke on one object and another object is passed as argument to this method Comparator interface has compare() method and this method is used to compare two object of any class. Both objects are passed as arguments to this method Comparable interface provides single sorting sequence, while Comparator provides multiple sorting sequence
24. public class Employee
private int eid;
private String name;
private Sint salary;
public Employee(){}
public Employee(int eid,String name,int salary)
//getters and setters
//toString() method
TreeSet set=new TreeSet();
set.add(new Employee(103,”Amit”,90000));
set.add(new Employee(101,”David”,67000));
set.add(new Employee(104,”Imran”,46000));
On execution above code creates and throw ClassCastException. How to avoid this exception?
Provide implementation of compareTo() method of Comparable interface inside Employee class
25. Which set collection should be used to maintain insertion order of elements
LinkedHashSet class, It is child of HashSet class
26. Map interface is a collection or not?
It is not child of Collection interface, so it is not a collection. It keeps elements in key-value pair. Each key maps to only one value
27. Which class is implementation of Map interface?
HashMap class
28. Write code to keep phone number of 5 persons in map. Name of person should be key and phone number should be value
HashMap<String,String> map=new HashMap<String,String>();
29. Which method of Map interface should be called to get Set collection of keys
public Set keyset()
30. What is used Map.Entry interface in Map
An object of Map.Entry interface is created to store key-value pair. This object is inserted as an entry in the map. So object of Map.Entry interface is element of map
31. What is JDBC in java?
JDBC stands for java database connectivity. JDBC is a Java API. It is called by java program to connect database and execute SQL queries Specification of this API is given by Java vendor and implementation is given by Database vendors
32. What is JDBC drivers?
These are client-side programs (Running on the client machine, not server) that convert requests from java programs to a protocol that DBMS/database can understand
33. How many types of JDBC drivers are given?
- There are 4 types are JDBC drivers are given. These are as follows
- Type-1 driver or JDBC-ODBC bridge driver
- Type-2 driver or Native-API driver
- Type-3 driver or Network Protocol driver
- Type-4 driver or Thin driver
34. Which JDBC driver is fastest and used more commonly?
Thin driver (Type-4 driver) is fastest and most commonly used driver. It interacts directly to the database
35. Which datatypes are used for storing the images and files in database?
BLOB (binary large object) data type is used to store image in the database. We can also store videos and audio by using the BLOB data type. It stores the binary type of data CLOB (character large object) datatype is used to store the file in the database. It stores the character type of data

36. What is Driver interface in JDBC?
connect() method of this interface is called by java program to connect to the database.This method is declared inside Driver interface and implementation of this method is given by database vendors
37. Can we write code to call connect() method
Yes. But code to call this method is already written inside getConnection() method of java.sqlDriverManager class.
38. What is driver class in JDBC and what is specialty of this class
This class is implementation of java.sql.Driver interface When this class is loaded, it creates an object of itself and registers it with the DriverManager class. This is the specialty of this class
39. What are the steps of JDBC code?
- There are the steps of JDBC code
- Load class class
- Create connection object
- Create statement object
- Execute query
- Close connection
40. What is the purpose of loading driver class and what is the code to load driver class
When driver class loads, it creates an object of itself and registers it with the DriverManager class. As we known getConnection() method of DriverManager class is responsible to call connect() method of driver class Class.forName(“fully qualified driver class”);
41. What is code to create connection object?
Following code should be written to create connection object. Connection cn=DriverManager .getConnection (“url”,”username”,”password”);
42. What is statement object and how many types of statement can be created?
Statement object is required to execute SQL queries. We can create following three types of statement object
Object of Statement interface
Object of PreparedStatement interface
Object of CallableStatement interface
- Object of Statement interface
- Object of PreparedStatement interface
- Object of CallableStatement interface
43. What is difference between object of statement interface and object of PreparedStatement interface?
Object of Statement interface should be created when you want to execute static SQL queries(Those queries that are not using parameters) Object of PreparedStatement interface should be created when you want to execute dysnamic SQL queries(Those queries that are using parameters). Object of Statement interface does not hold query while object of PreparedStatement holds query. So you cant execute multiple SQL queries using single object of Statement interface while this is not possible using object of PreparedStatement interface
44. When to create and use object of CallableStatement interface
This object should be created and used when you want to execute SQL stored procedures and SQL functions
45. Which method should be executed on statement object to execute SQL DML query?
- Following method should be executed
- public int executeUpdate(String query):It is method of Statement interface
- public int executeUpdate():It is method of PreparedStatement interface
46. Which method should be executed on statement object to execute SQL DQL query?
- Following method should be executed
- public ResultSet executeQuery(String query):It is method of Statement interface
- public ResultSet executeQuery():It is method of PreparedStatement interface
47. What is ResultSet interface?
An object of this interface is created by executeQuery() method.In this object executeQuery() method keeps resultset(records retrieved from database as a response of select query)
48. What is resultset cursor?
Every resultset object(Object of ResultSet interface) maintains a pointer.This pointer is called resultset cursor. This cursor is initially positioned just before the first record(At index -1)
49. Which methods are given in Result Set interface to change cursor position?
- There are several methods. Few of them are as follows
- public boolean next()
- public boolean previous()
- public boolean last()
- public boolean first()
- public boolean absolute(int n)
- public boolean relative(int n)
50. Write JDBC code to create a table?
Class.forName(“fully driver class name”);
Connection cn= DriverManager. getConnection (“url”,”username”,”password”);
Statement st=cn.createStatement();
st.execute(“create table command”);