5 Useful ERP Training Tips for Small Businesses

In the present business sphere, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems have replaced the conventional accounting software. The SMEs as well as large-scale companies, which are still relying upon the obsolete accounting software, usually fail to meet their business objectives. ERP has emerged as a new black in the industry with its immensely beneficial nature. On the contrary, using ERP if the employees struggle to use the portal with proficiency. Hence, a proper ERP training needs to be imparted to the staff so that they can grasp every function of the portal thoroughly and its usage can be maximized.
Various prestigious ERP training institutes have made their advent that run ERP training course modules to combat the dearth of ERP knowledge among the workers. Even the small companies with budgetary constraints don’t hesitate in investing in the ERP training of their employees to optimize overall productivity and accomplish business goals. If the investment is done wisely then an ERP system can derive the much better results than satisfying the business accounting needs. Consequently, the ERP training tips should include the following tips from the business owner’s perspective:
Make it mandatory for the employees
Attending the training sessions of ERP should be mandatory for the employees. It’s crucial to the success of ERP system that every employee is well-acquainted with its functioning. Employees, who don’t mark their presence in the training, won’t loosen their grip over the legacy accounting software. Such a context may lead ERP system establishment towards a failure.
Bring innovation in training
Something innovative is always embraced by the people- this is a common phenomenon. All five fingers are not alike. Not every staff member is going to understand the same method equally. Try to train your co-workers in different ways so that the people with dissimilar intellect levels can grasp the important parts. Only a well-informed staff can do wonders with the ERP system.
Add practicality to training modules
Introduce the real scenarios while conducting the ERP training sessions. It will help your employees comprehend the process of implementing new ERP-based standards and tasks in their daily routine. Test all the ERP functions in front of the employees while training them; it will surely expand their ERP knowledge quotient by leaps and bounds.
Make them pro with frequent training programs
Invested once in the training and it’s all done- if you have such a mindset then you are on the wrong path. Training should be arranged at frequent intervals to make your staff expert. One-time training is little knowledge, which is a dangerous thing. Therefore, choosing an ERP training program distributed in phases would be a wise move.
Always ask for an honest feedback
Your investment for ERP training was successful or not- this question can be solved only by the honest feedback of the employees. Let your staff be honest while registering their suggestions regarding the training. Any diplomatic response from their side can’t help you assess the quality of the training. Make them believe that they are always backed by you, irrespective of their opinion.
Final Words
Installing an ERP system is not enough. It should be followed by having a renowned ERP training company at your disposal. ERP is a constructive system only if your workforce is familiar with all its functioning. Apart from the physical training sessions by the experts, the online ERP modules are also helpful in educating your employees about the same. Switch to an ERP system if you are still stuck with the legacy software and arrange the training for your staff. It will definitely let your business take a giant stride.